Our Mission
Brooks Historical Society is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation. The objective of the Brooks Historical Society and Depot Museum is to educate and stimulate an interest in and knowledge of the history of Brooks, Oregon, and the surrounding areas: North Howell, Fairfield, Gervais, Quinaby, Waconda, Parkersville, St. Louis, Lake Labish.
Please Join Us
We would appreciate your support of our educational and historical preservation mission.
* Preserving historic documents and photos related to our area history
* Preserving unique local artifacts of life from days gone by in our Brooks Depot Museum
* Fundraising
* Sharing our history collections with visitors and members, and though our publications for sale.
Download the Membership Application HERE
Individual Members
Download and fill out the application form here, then mail or email it to us to the addresses below. Pay by check or using PayPal buttons below.
Individual Active members volunteer at least 24 hours per year and pay just $20 per year.
Individual Supporting members pay $50 per year, no volunteer work required.
Choose your individual membership type in the drop down list below.
Business Active Supporters or Business Sponsors
Thanks to our business active supporters and sponsors whose financial support makes such a difference to us in our mission to educate and stimulate an interest in the the knowledge of the history of Brooks, Oregon, and the surrounding areas. We appreciate your support
Names and logos of supporters are visibly posted at the Brooks Depot Museum during the season.
We provide a flyer to post in your business thanking your business for sponsorship.
Tax benefits
Advertising as listed below.
Business Active Supporter: $100.00 per year and will provide at least 16 volunteer hours per year. Advertising in our Quarterly Newsletter(Jan., April, July, Oct.) one time per year or twice a year if it benefits subscribing members.
Business Sponsor: $200.00 per year, no volunteer work required. Advertising in our Quarterly Newsletter(Jan., April, July, Oct.) twice per year, or 4 times if it benefits subscribing members.
For new accounts, contact Brooks Historical Society at, or our Treasurer,, and we will be happy to assist you in setting up an account.